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Individual Style & Impact

To support our work whether that be Learning, Consultancy, Talent Development or Coaching we also offer a wide and varied range of individual & team impact tools that compliment, blend and further enhance our offerings. 

Insights Discovery®

Increasing self-understanding leads to business breakthroughs

By using Insights Discovery to increase self-awareness, we help people perform at their highest level.


We promote effective relationships at work, by improving communication, decreasing conflict, and leaving more time to get the job done.

The Insights Discovery methodology uses a simple and memorable four colour model to help people understand their style, their strengths and the value they bring to the team. 


Transform Great Potential Into Greater Performance

Being your best self means playing to your strengths at work and everywhere else.

Discover your strengths and learn how to use them to thrive with CliftonStrengths 34.

Gallup research finds that people who know and use their CliftonStrengths are:


  • more engaged at work

  • more productive in their role

  • happier and healthier


Take the CliftonStrengths assessment to get personalized reports that explain how to use your talent DNA to succeed at work and everywhere else.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict (TKI)®

The TKI assessment provides insight into an individual’s typical response to conflict situations using one or more of five conflict-handling modes, or styles: competing, accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, and compromising.


These modes reflect varying levels of assertiveness and cooperation.

By identifying alternative conflict resolution styles and how and when to use them most effectively, the TKI assessment helps people reframe and defuse conflict, creating more productive outcomes.

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

By defining personality type, the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) tool builds a robust foundation for life-long personal development. It provides a constructive, flexible and liberating framework for understanding individual differences and strengths.

MBTI Step I identifies personality type, made up of four basic preferences, and provides a positive framework to explain how we interact with the world and each other


MBTI Step II drills into the detail of Step I preferences, providing insight into the unique way in which we express our personality type

The Leadership Challenge®


Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI 360)®

Approaching leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors, The Leadership Challenge framework grew out of rigorous research that first began in 1982 when Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner set out to understand those times when leaders performed at their personal best. 

They conducted hundreds of interviews and reviewed hundreds of cases studies and survey questionnaires. What emerged were five fundamental practices common to extraordinary leadership achievements.


The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® continues to prove its effectiveness in cultivating and liberating the leadership potential in anyone—at any level, in any organization—who chooses to accept the challenge to lead.

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